Sunday, April 19, 2009

Intro To Design Theory - Exploring Lines


Comparing LINES with POINTS~ lines are much more easier than points XD
This time, our assignment is to present a Country with lines in 2D or 3D~
You can draw anything and then explain what are the purposes of using those lines @_____@
After that, we'll have to PRESENT it =S

Well, i preferred to make it half 3D xD

I had chosen China since Im Chinese? LOLz Chinese know more about China's history and culturals right?
So, i no need to do much research on it XD save time~~~ HOHO

Okay, there's nothing much to talk bout it anyways~

So, here it is~ the PICTURES of my completed assignments~

And of course~ not forgetting my SCRIPT XD ( to add more words for this blog mwahahaha)

The reason that I had chosen Chinese Lanterns and the Great Wall of China as the ‘characters’ for this assignment is to show two contrasting feelings, which are Happiness and Mournfulness. Red Chinese Lanterns, which brings up the feeling of happiness, are still widely used nowadays during some happy days such as the Lantern Festival, wedding and celebration ceremonies. As for the feeling of mournfulness, the history of the Great Wall of China had clearly stated how families were torn apart during the ancient time. Old and young men were forced to join the building process other than being chosen to be part of the army during Qin and Ming Dynasty.
Red color was chosen as the color of the lines in the Chinese Lanterns because it is the favorite color for the Chinese society and it resembles the joyfulness. Straight lines are tightly sticked together in curvy way to show the importance of tight bonding between family members. Curvy way is used because Chinese believes that circle is a loop that never ends just like the relationship between family members. The thick thread represents the Silk Road, where the exchanging of culture between China and Europeans countries begun. As for the thin threads, they were used to show the wisdom of the Chinese when dealing with problems, which is, different attitudes are used for different problems when facing different groups of people.
To show the sorrowfulness, different thickness and lengths of black lines were used for the Great Wall of. Cross lines were used to give the blending effect of things that millions construction workers had sacrificed during the process of construction. Such as, sweats, tears, energies, bloods and also lives. Cross lines were also used to show the angriness of the family members of those construction workers as the workers were not nicely treated when building the Great Wall of China. Horizontal and vertical lines are like the strategies used by the commanders to arrange their armies when enemies attacked China. Armies will form lines like these when they are commanded to be prepared for the war.
Perspectives were also used to show the increase in the numbers of the populations of China. It also shows the improvements shown in the cultures, architectures, economics and life styles of this country after years.

Time spent for the assignments:
a) sticking+drawing =12am-130pm, 8pm-130am
b) script = 130am-3am

LOLz~and this time, i remembered to change my phone's mode to GENERAL~and i managed to wake up once my friend called me and went out earlier XD *bravo bravo~*

So yeah~ that's all for this assignment XD

p/s : argh T^T i envy those who can take really nice pictures and post on their blog and those with really fluent and nice english T^T

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